

After purchasing the product, the very first user activates the installation following the instructions sent to email account. Then new users can be added.

Activity and history

Every step and change are automatically saved and traceable. Logs are available for observability by admins and gallery owners.


Choosing as well as any product gives you variety of advantages and exciting customer care. Completely in-house team of product developers provides direct delivery and immediate support. Consulting, based on decades of experience, gives as an additional value to our cooperation. Our team are ready to offer widest variety of products, from ready-to-use gallerist247 to advanced bespoke solutions, taking all requirements into account.


Compile artworks according to your interests and situations, preparing to event or demonstration. Easy to convert to PDF or Artlink, share and demonstrate with edited prices and currency conversations.


Even if the artwork has already left the gallery, all the information that may be useful in the future, including files, images, provenance, expertise, comments and even information about the design, alongside with the terms of sale, will remain archived.

Backup & Recovery

We automatically provide effective backup and recovery system to all our clients. Any important data and system files exists in at least three absolutely identical copies, stored in different locations. Whatever happens, we will be able to restore your data and settings.

Bespoke website

And even if your website has been launched for a long time and managed by the other platforms, we can set up control directly from, so you can quickly make changes to all sections, add and edit artworks, and adjust all the necessary add-ons for comfortable work in full accordance with your wishes.

Contact and contract

You must be the owner or authorized representative of an art gallery to start using When you ready, fill out a short application form on this website, and we will contact you back.

Currency conversion receives and updates US Dollars, Euro, British Pounds, Swiss Francs, Polish Zloty and many other world currencies. Exchange rates are updated every several hours. The price of every artwork automatically calculated in several manually selected currencies.

Data residency

Although all our regular installations, being located in EU/Swiss/USA jurisdictions, are automatically subject to multiple data protection acts, you can also choose an option for self-hosted private server infrastructure solution for bespoke products.


When you add a new artwork, or reevaluate one, sale it, or temporary give one to a third party, and in any other cases, the system will automatically create all the necessary documents and attach it to the profile of the artwork and involved contacts.


Securely stored, every uploaded file is available for immediate download just when you need it. Original file name, as well as all the additional information appeared during file usage, are included in meta description.


Choose and send email offers including personalized artwork’s description right from the and find all the letters in your preferred email client. We only help to send, but never read or even receive answers, which always goes directly to your inbox.

First sign in

Signing in to is very easy. Use web browser or smartphone application to sign in via password and multi-factor authentication confirmation. You can also create PassKey for faster signing in (read more below). Save the link to Favorites in your web browser for faster access.


Beginner’s and small galleries best choice, gallerist247 consist of essential instruments toolkit, making inventory and sales process smooth and effective. Mobile application for both Android and iOS (Apple) smartphones and internal website constructor are included. bespoke

Experienced professionals with very special requests and fine tuning requirements are finding the right solutions creating a truly unique and bespoke product. We are able to extend our platform to any special needs, including external services integration, APIs and unique websites management, with no limitations.

Professional’s, global and growing gallerie’s choice. More storage and user accounts, advanced tools and features, extended options for professional activities. Smartphone and tablet professional applications.

Hardware infrastructure

Our hardware infrastructure located in highly protected and very well trusted data centers across European Union, Switzerland and the United States of America in full compliance with international standards and legal acts concerning user’s data protection. AWS, Hetzner, Digital Ocean facilities are among our preferred service providers. Setting up any bespoke solution, you can also choose private dedicated server as your primary system and data location.


You can select primary and secondary languages for your content, and store information about artworks in two editions simultaneously. Also, it is possible to print the certificates, contracts and invoices in secondary language, too. Although system language is English, any language may be set up as system default in product’s bespoke editions.

Multi-factor authentication

Depending on circumstances, system will ask you for second, additional one-time password which you find in your mobile app or in email box.


Easy and secure, PassKey service allows you consider chosen devices as trusted and confirm your identity with fingerprints or camera, sufficiently simplifying your login process.


Still necessary and essential part of your secure access, you have to create your own personal password as a first and one of several authentication steps for your identity.

PDF verification

Every PDF ever been created by or any other product, can be easily verified with digital signature using our free verification service.


Create, share or print designed PDF files with artworks, branded with your logo, whereabouts and contact information.


All files are stored on a separate, fully controlled and reliable secure server, access to which is strictly limited and excludes any third-party intervention. Real-time backup takes place every change, even in the case of force majeure, all files will be safe and secure.


It is very easy: just select the artwork, and click "Send" - a letter will be automatically sent to the recipient's mailbox, and you do not even have to open the mail program. You can select as many artworks as you need, even by different authors, and send it with just one click to any e-mail. And if the recipient is already in your contacts, Gallerist 24/7 will prompt you to simply select the name.


We usually start with 1 TB of space for installation (100 GB of space for gallerist247). And for bespoke installation we can provide any required amount of storage space, with no restrictions. You can enlarge it at anytime, simply sending us a request. An indicator of used and free space is always available, and the system promptly informs about the degree of filling and the remaining space.


A widest circle of file formats are available for uploading and processing with, including high and ultra high resolution images, profession photo and video file formats. Automatically processed, images and thumbnails will appear in your mobile apps during nearest sync.

User’s management

Any number of users you need for simultaneous cooperation can be created. If necessary, it is possible to differentiate their access rights, regardless of the selected conditions of service. Any data made or modified by different users will be automatically synchronized in real time.

User’s roles

All users are devised into roles based on access rights and activities.
Owner - highest in hierarchy, allows access to every part of the system and right to manage even administrator accounts.
Administrator - full access and ability to manage other users’ accounts.
Manager - general workflow and customized access rights.
Apprentice - limited access for beginners, excluding any sensitive data view and edit options.

Website constructor

Using or any other product, you can manually build fast, secure and informative website for your activity based on our own designed no-code website constructor.